What problems should be avoided in the welding of steel truss floor bearing plate

What problems should be avoided in the welding of steel truss floor bearing plate

 If people want to make the steel truss floor support plate fully ensure the welding effect when welding, then in the welding process, they need to pay more attention to the details, so what problems should be avoided as far as possible, the following is a brief introduction to floor support plate.

First, when welding the steel truss floor bearing plate, check whether its power supply and voltage meet the specified requirements, and check that all wires are qualified. Know that these problems are easy to occur faults during welding, and the welding effect is relatively light.Therefore, we should pay attention to this aspect when operating for people.

Second, in the welding process of the steel truss floor bearing plate welding machine, attention should be paid to the short circuit option during welding to avoid certain damage caused by the welding machine, so people should pay attention to the short circuit when operating the equipment.

Third, the working environment of the welding machine for the steel bar truss floor support plate should be dry and ventilated. When moving the welding machine, all the power sources should be cut off. It is necessary to avoid moving without cutting off the power source. This will inevitably cause forced movement and many accidents. Therefore, when operating the equipment, it is necessary to avoid this situation as much as possible. When people operate.Pay more attention.

Post time: Jun-05-2020