What are the design points of light steel villa

What are the design points of light steel villa

Light steel villa is a relatively new building structure at present. There are many differences between light steel villa and traditional building. The design standard of light steel villa is also very different from other buildings. Most of the construction of light steel villa is dry operation without water. The main structure is installed with screws of various types and specifications, and the internal and external walls are fixed with self tapping screws,So in this case, what should be paid attention to in the design of light steel villa?


In the design of building structure, different safety levels should be adopted according to the possible consequences of structural damage.The safety level of general industrial and civil building steel structure can be taken as grade II, and the safety grade of special steel structure can be determined according to specific conditions.


What are the design points of light steel villa?


The limit state of steel structure engineering refers to the critical state that the structure or component can meet a certain functional requirement specified in the design. Beyond this state, the structure or component will no longer meet the design requirements.


The bearing structure should be designed according to the limit state of bearing capacity and the limit state of normal use. The ultimate state of bearing capacity refers to when the structure or component reaches the maximum bearing capacity or reaches the deformation limit state which is not suitable for continuous bearing.


The limit state of normal use is the limit state when the structure or component reaches the specified limit value of normal use.


When structural members or connections are designed according to the limit state of bearing capacity, the basic combination of load effects should be considered, and the accidental combination of load effects should be considered when necessary.


The above is the light steel villa design points, hope to help you, if there is anything you do not know, you can directly communicate with our customer service, we are dedicated to your service, thank you for watching.

Post time: Jul-10-2020