How to strengthen the steel structure building?

How to strengthen the steel structure building?

Steel structure is generally used for plant planning, and sometimes portal steel structure is also used. Portal steel frame structure is composed of steel beam and steel column. The column base can be made into hinge joint or consolidation. The portal steel structure has larger stiffness in the plane of portal frame, while the longitudinal steel is smaller.The portal steel frame has good rigidity and light weight. The crossbeam and column can be assembled to provide favorable conditions for manufacturing, transportation and installation. The steel column of steel structure is generally axial compression member or compression bending member. Combined with its stress characteristics, the following reinforcement methods should be selected for steel structure. 

How to strengthen the steel structure building?

  1.Steel structure column unloading method: when it is necessary to reinforce or replace new column under unloading condition, the method of “underpinning beam replacing column” should be adopted.When only the upper column needs to be strengthened, the crane beam bridge frame can be used to support the roof truss to unload the column.When the lower column needs to be reinforced or the lower column needs to be cut off, a permanent joist can be set under the crane beam to share the upper column load (including the crane beam load) on the adjacent column (it is necessary to check and calculate the adjacent column and reinforce it, as well as the Foundation).When using this method, it should be considered that the joist will have a certain deflection after replacing the lower column with the joist, which will force the original roof truss to sink, which may damage the joint of the components connected with the roof truss.Therefore, temporary load can be added to the joist in advance to make the joist have pre deflection.The order of choosing this method is to reinforce adjacent column, weld joist and adjacent column, add temporary load, weld joist and middle column, unload temporary load, reinforce or cut off lower column. 

  2.Steel structure steel column reinforcement method: to strengthen the cross-section of the column.Generally, steel plate or section steel is used for the cross-section of reinforcement column, and welding or high-strength bolts are selected to connect with the original column to form a whole; support is added.Additional support is added to reduce the free length of the column and the ability to carry forward.Under the condition of the same section standard, the stability of the column is advanced; the calculation diagram is changed to reduce the external load or internal force of the column; the reinforced concrete is wrapped around the steel column for reinforcement, which can obviously advance the bearing capacity. 

  3.Steel structure column base reinforcement method: the thickness of column base plate lacks reinforcement method: add column base stiffening rib to reduce the calculation bending moment of bottom plate, and pour concrete between column base section steel to make the column base plate become rigid block. In order to increase the bonding force, the paint and rust on the surface of column base should be removed and cleaned.Lack of reinforcement method for column base anchorage: add additional anchor bolt.When the concrete foundation is wide.Drill holes on the concrete foundation, insert additional anchor bolts, pour epoxy mortar or sulfur mortar (hole diameter is anchor bolt diameter “plus 20mm, depth is more than 30d), and wrap the whole column base with reinforced concrete.The new reinforcement shall be extended into the foundation and welded with the original reinforcement in the foundation.

The above is the steel structure workshop reinforcement treatment of common methods, hope to help you, if there is anything you do not know, you can directly communicate with our customer service, we are dedicated to your service, thank you for watching.


Post time: Jul-10-2020