Effect of welding residual stress on structural performance of steel structure workshop

Effect of welding residual stress on structural performance of steel structure workshop

With the continuous change of science and technology, and our steel structure workshop, the frequency of use, is also increasing, we can see its figure, is more and more, so what is the impact of welding residual stress on structural performance of steel structure workshop!

   1.Static strength: because the residual stress is a self balanced internal force, the bearing capacity of the component with residual stress is exactly the same as that without residual stress, so the welding stress has no effect on the bearing capacity of static load at normal temperature;

   2.Stiffness: since the residual tensile stress area enters into the plastic state ahead of time, the increasing external force is only borne by the remaining elastic area, and only increases the deformation, while the force remains unchanged, so the residual stress will increase the structural deformation and reduce the stiffness;

   3.The residual stress will reduce the bending stiffness of the member, thus reducing its stable bearing capacity;

   4.Fatigue strength: due to the existence of three-dimensional stress in the weld, the plastic deformation is hindered, the steel becomes brittle, and the cracks are easy to occur and develop. Therefore, the welding stress will reduce the fatigue strength.

   The above is the effect of welding residual stress on the structural performance of steel structure workshop, hoping to help you.If you want to know more about steel structure workshop, please contact us.


Post time: Jul-10-2020